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6 Foundations worth supporting in 2023

Want to do something good for the environment and people? Even if you don't have time (or forces) for traditional activism, you can make an impact by supporting the global efforts to improve the state of our Planet and the quality of life on it. All you need to do is to financially support professional organizations that address the most significant problems of today. Here is our selection of NGOs worth endorsing!

3 min read


Klementyna Sęga

Cultural expert, educator and promoter of sustainable development. He writes and talks about responsible choices

We act according to climate justice in regions that need support the most.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end human rights abuse. Since 1961, they have been helping people claim their rights worldwide.

The organization investigates and exposes the facts whenever and wherever abuse happens. Amnesty International lobbies governments and other influential groups such as companies. AI makes sure that organizations keep their promises and respect international law. By telling powerful stories, they mobilize millions of supporters worldwide to campaign for change and to defend activists on the frontline. They also support people to claim their rights through education and training.

Polish Humanitarian Organization

Polish Humanitarian Action (Polska Akcja Humanitarna, PAH) brings aid to people suffering from armed conflicts and natural disasters. PAH responds rapidly to events happening worldwide and reaches places where people need help, providing shelter, necessities, and access to drinking water and medical aid. It is actively helping victims of the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Wars and natural disasters are very often a consequence of global warming. In the case of wars and armed conflicts, people struggle for natural resources used for earning (such as oil and natural gas) and those necessary for survival (such as fresh water). Natural disasters are becoming more frequent due to a changing climate (e.g., heavy precipitation causing floods).


The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international NGO and environmental organization founded in 1961 in Switzerland. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the earth’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and over-consumption.

WWF is active in nearly 100 countries and working to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. The organization has contributed to the establishment of more than 270 national parks across the globe.

Mercy for Animals

Mercy For Animal’s mission is to end industrial animal agriculture by constructing a just and sustainable food system – the organization’s vision of a world where animals are respected and protected. Mercy For Animals focuses on improving the living conditions of animals confined to farms but also investigates and educates about their living conditions to enable consumers to make informed choices.

It’s no secret that meat and livestock corporations poison the environment and the groundwater closest to the farms and emit vast amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. That’s why Mercy For Animals is also conducting a program called Transfarmation for a better food system and helping farmers transition their industrial animal-agriculture operations to plant-focused farms raising crops for human consumption.

Client Earth

Client Earth is a community-based organization that uses the law to protect the environment and the lives of future generations. The organization strives to bring about systemic change, informs about the law, helps implement and enforce it, and trains and advises.

Among Client Earth’s areas of particular interest are combating pollution, protecting nature, protecting forests, strengthening the rule of law, and fighting the climate crisis more broadly. The organization also fights greenwashing, requiring companies to provide accurate and reliable information on their environmental impact.

TerGo Foundation

TerGo Foundation protects the environment by reducing human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. To popularize the knowledge about climate and biodiversity, the Foundation runs educational programs and cooperates with other organizations and initiatives. We act according to climate justice in regions that need support the most.

The most important projects currently being developed by the TerGo Foundation are:

  • Tergopedia (a free, virtual encyclopedia dedicated to climate)
  • International Forestry Carbon Credit Standard (standard for conducting agroforestry projects that allows anyone to start a sequestration project)
  • Tergo Market (the first decentralized system for tracking and storing carbon offsets based on blockchain and Web 3.0 technology).

If the Foundation’s activities are close to your heart, you can support it here.