Eco New Year’s resolutions for a greener 2022

Do you have a list of New Year's resolutions? Or maybe you just happened to... break one? Rest assured, it happens to the best of us. Research shows that a good proportion of people who make New Year's resolutions abandon them already in January. We encourage you to take another look at your resolutions, and include some climate and environmental goals among them!

2 min read


Ksenia Pisera

Journalist, popularizer of knowledge about environmental and climate protection

What climate- and environment-related New Year's resolutions can you implement straight away? Here are a few suggestions that have a noble purpose behind them and are simply SMART! Meaning: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

Every day is a good day for… resolutions!

New Year’s resolutions are practically a tradition. We make them hoping that the New Year will be better than the previous one. And it’s great that we decide to take matters into our own hands and make a list of intentions to ensure we grow and achieve our goals. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology shows that 46% of the participant kept their resolutions. Is it a little or a lot? You can judge it yourself. Hands up who has fulfilled all their New Year’s resolutions!

If you are in this group, whose fulfilment of New Year’s goals is postponed to another occasion, we’ve got you covered. The Chinese New Year, the Thai Songkran, the Balinese Hari Raya Nyepi or the Jewish Rosh Hashanah are still ahead! Yes, that means that you can start afresh even a few times a year. Or maybe you’ll find that it’s worth starting right away and not waiting for the cards on the calendar to change? Act right away!

It’s worth it because all actions that lead to growth make sense, especially when we can do something good for the planet at the same time.

What climate- and environment-related New Year’s resolutions can you implement straight away? Here are a few suggestions that have a noble purpose behind them and are simply SMART! Meaning: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

Swap the car for a bike or walk X times a week

Every time you leave your car in a garage or parking space, you reduce CO2 emissions. If you care about climate protection, this is probably important to you. There’s no denying that choosing alternative forms of transport with the cost of fuel today also saves money. What’s more, by implementing this resolution, you’ll get closer to achieving one of the most popular goals: getting fitter! And that completes our R’s of the SMART concept.

What about the rest? It depends on you! If you drive your car every day, ask yourself what will be realistic for you to achieve: choosing to cycle twice a week or maybe walking to the shops? Start with small steps and gradually increase your commitment!

Saving electricity and water

This is a very measurable resolution, the effects of which can be seen in black and white. On your bills! By conserving electricity and water, you can significantly reduce your water and carbon footprint, which is extremely important for the environment and climate. You can achieve this goal in multiple ways which makes it easily attainable.

Start by turning off the water when brushing your teeth, taking showers instead of long hot baths, switching off the lights, removing chargers from contacts. If you plan on replacing household appliances or light bulbs – choose energy-efficient ones!

Planning your shopping

Making a list before going shopping is a brilliant New Year’s resolution! It allows us to plan what we need and limit spontaneous purchases. This way we buy exactly the amount of food we need. Only in Poland, about 5 million tonnes of food are wasted in households annually. It’s an enormous amount of food, an equivalent of 495 Eiffel Towers!

Wasting food has a significant impact on the environment. According to the IPCC, it accounts for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions annually. So by planning your shopping, you save food from being thrown away, pay less for your purchases, and protect the environment!

Do something for animals or nature once a quarter

Donate unwanted blankets to shelter animals? Build a hedgehog house in your garden? Start feeding the birds? How about starting a community garden with your neighbours? A quarter is enough time to plan a possible action and put it into practice. There are plenty of possibilities, and it will benefit the local community and animals that are unable to ask for help themselves. This way, you can do something for others and enjoy the results immediately.

Helping others and doing good deeds also gives you incredible satisfaction, which can spark energy to do even more!

Join an eco-community

Find people who care about the future of the planet as much as you do. Together it will be easier and simpler to plan eco-actions. You will be able to exchange knowledge and experience, share passions and overcome possible doubts. Spreading the word about climate and environmental protection is as important as the action itself! The more people join, the faster we can reach our common goal.

If you can’t find such groups in your area – take the initiative! You may find that there are many people with similar values. A sense of community and shared purpose is very encouraging and motivating. Also, join the TerGo community – follow the blog, comment on Facebook and Instagram posts. We want to get to know you. Let’s start acting together!

With resolutions like these, 2022 is sure to be a greener year!